布料結構發想是從一張網路上找到的由竹子與麻料構成的裝置照片開始,我非常喜歡這個裝置用簡單的竹構築方法與面料構成的蓮花外型,這是個很吸引人的裝置作品,而這也使我開始思考為什麼我從來沒有看過一個由布料構成自身空間結構的案例?有沒有可能用一匹布來構成一間小房子?在大多數的案例中,布料都只用來做成面料;在少數但越來越多的案子裡,布料開始與參數工具結合生成較為複雜的有機形體秩序。而在此次的設計裡,我認為有機會利用布料本身的結構性構成新的空間,而這是一個跟原本建築的結構性不一樣的構法。布料是一種非常貼近我們身體的材料,因為它的特性,它有機會提供一個新的"軟空間"經驗。參數式布料空間研究布料並不是用一般的支撐系統構成,它比較接近懸吊性的結構。我構想著一個被懸吊在空中的半私密空間,藉由布料"軟"的特性給予人一個"繭"的放鬆空間,再用參數工具Grasshopper幫助模擬布料扭轉結構如何穩定懸在空中的繭空間而完成該設計。 Fabric materialThe design starts from an image of a bamboo structure covered with linen fabric I found on the net. I really like the simple way they connect with bamboo and make it into a lotus form. With the white linen fabric, the simple structure an eye catching installation has been constructed. However, I start to think why people they never use fabric as a structure? Is it possible to use a soft piece of fabric and build a hut?In most of projects, fabric is only used to be a skin. In some of projects, fabric is used with parametric way to generate the form order. But in my thought, I think fabric has its own structure inside which is the knitting textile. It’s different from building structure. Moreover, fabric is our cloth. It’s very close to our body. Because it’s soft, it has potential to give us a new soft space experiences. This is the reason I chose fabric to be my material and started a series of experiments. Fabric Space Parametric StudyFabric doesn’t use a common supporting structure system. It’s more like a hanging system. A private cocoon space hanging in the air is the first idea in my thought. With the soft material surrounding around, the space is like a bed and everyone can go inside being relax. In this project, I want to make a fabric cocoon to be my parametric hut.Grasshopper helps me to think about how can I use “twist structure” to stable the cocoon space. As the twist fabric divides into more times, the fabric sticks will be thinner. In the end, I use grasshopper plug-in, kangaroo, to stimulate the fabric fettle.