在此研究論文當中,我們將提出一個基於影像樣板的二元文件影像完整性保護架構,二元影像較困難於灰階影像及彩色影像,因為二元影像只由黑色及白色像素所構成,因此對於嵌入方面便更顯得困難。架構上我們將二元文件影像的黑及白樣板透過細線化的方法取出,且和使用者的浮水印資訊做組合後透過非對稱的加密方法加密,之後再將加密資訊嵌入到原有的二元文件影像中可嵌入的位置,供日後完整性的判定。對於實驗部份我們提供了一系列的攻擊方式,而實驗結果顯示此方法架構能有效的偵測出此二元文件影像是否遭受竄改攻擊,甚至連最細微攻擊也都能有效的偵測出,另外,和先前的方法做比較上,除了能有效的偵測出是否遭受竄改之外,此方法的計算複雜度也較先前的方法來的要好。 It is more difficult to protect binary document images than color or grayscale images. Because binary document images are often in black and white format and there is thus less redundancy that can be exploited for embedding additional information. In this thesis, a scheme for integrity protection of binary document images based on digital patterns is proposed. The image skeleton and the inverse skeleton are found through thinning and the skeleton signature is combined with watermark information. The result is encrypted asymmetrically and hidden in embeddable locations of the image. A series of attack experiments are conducted to demonstrate that the approach is capable of detecting tampering. Even single malicious pixel modifications can be detected. The approach is computationally more efficient than previous approaches.