這個產業有這惡名昭彰環境污染的名聲: 快速時尚是世界上第二汙染的產業,只輸給了石油產業。另一方面快速時尚產業的業主為了減少勞工成本,竟然非法雇用童工,甚至強迫工人超時工作,然而那些勞工所得到的薪水卻是低到求溫飽都有困難。這一篇研究報告的目的在於藉由官方資料及數據發掘快速時尚產業不堪入目、無人所知的慘酷事實。
Fast Fashion is now a new strong tendency in worldwide mainstream market; people enjoy its speedy changeable new style, trend based design, various choices and especially cheap price. Nevertheless, consumers rarely think why these products are so cheap that everyone can afford it. The truth is: money is not the only thing paid for in every bargain of Fast Fashion; our environment and labor right are also exactly what paid for indeed. Fast Fashion industry is notorious for its heavy pollution: the second dirtiest industry in world. On the other hand, in order to cut labor cost, Fast Fashion companies illegally hired child labors and forced workers overtime in low wages. This paper aimed to uncover the truly facts behind Fast Fashion Industry by offering authentic statistics and objective statements. The qualitative method was applied.