橫向調撥是ㄧ個藉由調撥存貨以降低缺貨發生,同時使存貨做有效運用的方法。本研究探討在面對高單價、需求少的緊急訂單時,為了維持高服務水準,供應商與配銷中心面臨積壓存貨與存貨短缺的兩難。一方面為了減少缺貨的發生而持有多餘的存貨導致持有成本上升,另一方面又必須考慮當存貨不足時無法滿足顧客緊急需求時所產生的缺貨成本,甚而導致顧客滿意度下降等無形的損失。面對這樣的問題,供應鏈中各個零售商之間藉由橫向調撥將多餘存貨調撥至缺貨方的可行性將被重視。本研究主要探討不同存貨策略在運用橫向調撥下之表現,以系統模擬驗證供應鏈在進行橫向調撥後成本與服務水準之改變,並以成本與服務水準作為績效指標進行評估兩不同存貨政策之績效。本研究發現運用不同存貨策略在橫向調撥下不僅各種成本顯著下降、服務水準也有明顯的提升。在本研究假設之情況下,(Q,R)與(R,S)兩存貨策略相互比較,(R,S)存貨政策在各種成本下降較為明顯。服務水準則是(Q,R)存貨政策有較顯著的表現。 Lateral transshipments represent a strategy which transships inventory to reduce shortage and improves inventory availability. This study examines emergency orders which high prices and low demands, suppliers and distribution center in order to maintain high customer service levels, needed to storage inventory. Holding inventory is avoided shortage happened and caused holding cost raised, on the other hand, when the inventory insufficiency caused the shortage cost and the customer service levels drop and so on the invisible loss. This paper focused on different inventory policies used lateral transshipment to analysis supply chain system performance.The conclusion is that using lateral transshipment with (Q, R) and (R, S) inventory policies results in lower cost and high service level. Furthermore, the (R, S) policy in cost and (Q, R) policy in service level is all the more likely to get this result.