因綠色交通崛起,電動載具近年來在全球各大都會區受到積極地推廣,但電動載具的缺點是充電慢、行駛距離相較於汽油機車短,而需要較長的時間充電。電池交換站是預先將電池充滿電,將能避免等待電池充電的時間,直接進行電池的交換,因此完善規畫電池交換站的設置位置與數量將影響整體系統的使用狀況。本研究以模擬東海大學為場域,建置電動載具電池交換站系統,考慮電池交換站的設置位置、設置數量與行駛中無電量之電動載具數量等決策變數,利用系統模擬最佳化求解綠色交通系統電池交換站的問題,達到最佳的資源配置。本研究的結果為在東海大學的ST大樓、教堂、乳品小站與音美館設置電池交換站,電池交換站設置數量為4個,其平均電池交換站使用率達73 %,而行駛中無電量之電動載具為5輛,此為最佳的資源配置。 There are many cities around the world build a bike rental system in order to provide the public and tourists to use as a short-haul journey. The main problem is the design of the bike rental station and batter charge station allocation problems. Therefore, the better system planning will affect the overall system efficiency and cost issues. Our study is going to simulate Tunghai University building electric bicycle rental system, regardless of the number of variables and set the location decision-campus battery exchange stations. The study will use the system simulation method to solve the number and location of green transportation system’s battery exchange station of multi-objective optimization problem, to reduce the unnecessary cost of setting the electric bicycle battery exchange stations.