在邁入高齡化且少子化的社會下,現今高齡照護成為世界上重要的議題;拜智慧科技進步所賜,訊息的傳遞速度與效果大幅提升,也因此將科技的穿戴裝置運用在高齡照護下以減少照護成本變成為了一種發展的契機。研究首先將文獻分析提出現今高齡者智慧穿戴裝置發展的趨勢,分析後結果以居家監控及物連網連結做為產品設計之切入點,再針對高齡者做半結構式訪談,深入了解高齡者對於穿戴式智慧裝置形式偏好與功能的喜好以做為產品開發的概念根據。 最後產出三件符合高齡者需求的穿戴裝置,並以實體模型進行訪談,驗證二十位高齡者提供的意見指出:非常簡單直覺使用且沒有複雜的界面操作使受訪高齡者皆願意於一般生活中嘗試穿戴。由於此次樣本數量較少,研究未來應擴大訪談樣本以增加信度與效度。 As the aging of the population and a declining birth rate are processing as a global phenomenon, geriatrics care becomes an important issue in modern society. Due to the prevalent of smart phone and smart devices, information exchange, communication, and processing become faster and more convenient. As a consequence a smart wearable device designed for elders which can reduce the time for information transmission and the cost of geriatrics care could own very high potential. The research applies the documentary analysis which presents the trend of the elderly smart devices market. The Internet of things and the health category will be the entry point of the product designs. According to the elder’s preference, the styling and function of smart devices could be found using semi-structured interviews. Three proportional product designs to the development of smart wearable devices are implemented. Finally there comes three most suitable wearable devices’ models to do the final verification. Twenty of sample elders by convenience are choosed. The research found that the simplified user interface could lead to further willing to wear the smart devices. For increasing the reliability, we can find more elder interviews in the future.