本研究以四張犁國小高年級(五、六年級)學生為研究對象,主要探討國小高年級學生同儕關係對學業成就影響之研究。主要的研究目的有四:1.探討國小高年級學生之同儕關係。2.探討國小高年級學生之學業成就。3.探討國小高年級學生同儕關係對學業成就的影響。4.根據研究後所得的結果提出具體建議,作為國小教師輔導學生之參考。本研究採問卷調查法,問卷調查法主要是用來蒐集實徵數字,所使用的工具包括研究者自編的「同儕關係問卷」。以臺中市四張犁國小高年級學生202人為研究母群,全部都要進行檢測,其中男生110名,女生92名。本研究的資料處理採用社會網絡分析、描述性統計分析、獨立樣本T檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、迴歸分析等方法分析資料,並逐一探討各項研究結果,茲將本研究的結果歸納如下:一、女生的同儕關係及學業成就都比男生好。二、參加補習學生的同儕關係及學業成就都比沒參加補習學生好。三、單親家庭學生的同儕關係與非單親家庭學生無顯著差異但學業成就較低。四、家長社經地位高低影響學業成就。五、同儕關係與學業成就之間是互相關聯的。六、學生工具性網絡對國語成績有正向顯著影響。七、學生工具性網絡對數學成績有正向顯著影響。八、學生工具性網絡對社會成績有正向顯著影響。九、學生工具性網絡對自然成績有正向顯著影響。 Our Objects in this study are the Taichung Ssu Chang Li Elementary School (grades five or six) senior students , focused on elementary school students peer relationship study on the impact on academic achievement. There are four main research objectives: 1. Discussion of Peer network between senior grade students. 2.Disscussion of the academic achievement of senior students. 3. Disscussion of senior grade students ' peer network effect on academic achievement. 4. According to the results of the study to make specific proposals, as elementary school teachers interviewing students for reference.We use questionnaire for this study , questionnaire was used to collect empirical statistics, of the tools used include the researchers wrote "peer network". The study groups are senior grade 202 students of Taichung Ssu Chang Li Elementary School, all of which have to be detected, 110 boys and 92girls.The data used in the study of social network analysis, descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA analysis, Pearson correlation, regression analysis, analyzing data, and deal with the findings, we present the results of this study are as follows:1. Peer networks and academic achievement of girls than boys.2. As for Peer networks and academic achievement, participate in tutoring students are better than those not attend the tutorial students.3. The peer networks between single parent students and non-single parent students are no significant difference but with lower academic achievement.4. High or low socio-economic status of parents has influence in academic achievement.5. Peer networks and academic achievement are associated with each other.6. Student tool networks have significant positive effects on Chinese subject.7. Student tool networks have significant positive effects on math subject.8. Student tool networks have significant positive effects on community subject.9. Student tool networks have significant positive effects on science subject.