2008年金融海嘯後,由於外部環境的變化,全球景氣的衰弱,消費者的消費模式開始出現了改變,消費者對於物品的所有權之轉讓以及所謂閒置資源的有效利用有了不同的價值觀。已租賃代替購買,這種新的消費型態隨之興起。這樣的趨勢被廠商所看重,一種藉由電子資訊平台媒合供給端與需求端的新模式開始興起,廠商藉此扮演新的中介角色,這樣的新模式為傳統經濟模式及市場帶來巨大的衝擊與變化。共享經濟模式的興起,對於傳統產業尤其是中間商具有直接的影響,共享經濟模式所採用的點對點之間的交易模式,對於傳統租賃模式中的中介角色具有強大的威脅。近年來Uber的興起對於全世界的計程車市場產生了新的變換。Uber夾帶著差異化的服務內容、動態的定價方式以及評價機制進入市場,並引起了既有計程車業者的注意及反彈。為了觀察共享經濟模式對於既有產業所產生的衝擊,本研究檢視Uber與台灣計程車產業的代表廠商台灣大車隊之間的策略互動模式,從商業模式競爭與動態競爭的角度,找出兩者之間策略邏輯上的差異。本研究整理出兩模式在模式、顧客類型、顧客新穎性、便利性、費用、與司機的相處模式、叫車模式存有差異。而在市場中的競爭隨著Uber規模的擴張,彼此之間的互動將變得越來越頻繁。 After the financial crisis in 2008, due to changes in the external environment, global economic weakness and consumer spending patterns began to change. The effective use of consumer goods and the transfer of ownership have been different. This trend has been valued by manufacturers. Manufacturers have playing a new role as an intermediary. This new model has change the role of the market and makes a great impact to the tradition way.The rising of shared economic model has taking a great impact to the firms by using traditional model. The middlemen using the traditional rental model have a direct impact by shared economic model. In recent years, the rise of Uber taxi for markets around the world had a new transformation. Uber had differentiated services, used dynamic pricing and evaluation mechanism to enter the market and caused the taxi industry's attention.In order to observe the impact of shared economic model for the industry. This study analysis strategies interact between Taiwan Taxi and Uber. This study takes the view point from business model competition and dynamic competition to identify the different policy logic of these two models. This study find out that these have some differences from customer type, customer novelty, convenience, cost, along with the driver of the model, the way to called the car. The competition and the interaction in the market will become more and more frequent with the expansion of Uber .