台灣自1995年3月開始實施全民健康保險以來,已有效減輕民眾就醫的經濟負擔與提升就醫的便利性。然而,為避免醫療資源遭受浪費使用,因而制訂部分負擔政策,藉以提醒民眾,醫療資源的寶貴,但有些偏遠地區因為醫療院所或執業醫師人數不夠充沛,以致該地區的民眾需要就醫時,必須到較遠的地方,需花費較多的時間成本與精力,為了減輕這些醫缺條件地區(以下簡稱為偏遠地區)民眾的就醫負擔,中央健康保險局從2013年1月1日開始,保險對象於醫療資源缺乏條件之醫療院所就醫,可減免20%的部分負擔。本研究探討實施偏遠地區減免部分負擔20%的政策後,民眾就醫行為是否會有改變,以2012以及2013年曾經至偏遠地區之醫療院所就醫民眾為研究對象。本研究資料為2000年承保抽樣歸人檔(LHID2000)之全民健保研究資料庫。研究結果顯示:偏遠地區減免20%部分負擔政策實施後,民眾至偏遠地區就醫比例增加1.81%,個別分析民眾至45個偏遠地區就醫情況,其中40個地區明顯上升;5個地區沒有太大變化。經上述分析後,部分負擔減免20%部分負擔政策,且民眾至偏遠地區就醫比例有增加。 The Bureau of National Health Insurance (BNHI) had reduced of 20% co-payment of outpatient, in 45 remote areas to patient’s since January 1st, 2013. We analyzed the outpatient utilization of one million NHI enrollees for 2000, used the sign test model to examine the effect of the new policy on the probability of health seeking behavior, and the number of outpatient visits. Major empirical results are as follow:1. The decrease of 20% co-payment for remote areas has significantly effect on the services volume of remote areas. 2. The decrease of 20% co-payment for 40 remote areas has significantly effect on the services volume of remote areas.; The decrease of 20% co-payment for 5 remote areas has no significantly effect on the services volume of remote areas Overall, we found that reduced of 20% co-payment policy it would significantly increase medical demand of outpatient services