自民國八十七年《公共藝術設置辦法》頒布以來,規定公共藝術的設置必須包含相關民眾的參與。本研究係以探討民眾在參與公共藝術設置過程中之意義,並以執行小組的角度切入,探討在台灣公共藝術的規劃過程中,執行單位在辦理民眾參與上,所遇到的困境與侷限。筆者以實際參與東海大學「校園放牧」公共藝術案例之觀察,提出公共藝術的民眾參與在案例中的規劃與執行過程,並針對案例探討,提出問題省思與研究發現,最後從執行者的角度提出民眾參與規劃的建議,以供未來的執行者參考。本論文共分為四章。第一章緒論,說明論文的研究動機與目的、研究方法與範圍,以及名詞解釋。第二章闡述民眾參與在時代轉變下對公共藝術的意義,以及了解民眾參與相關理論,並探究相關學者對民眾參與型態上的看法。第三章首先就校園放牧計畫的設置源起與目的進行概述,接著分析民眾參與的規劃特色與執行過程並以第二章的論述基礎,針對案例中之民眾參與的執行成果進行評議,並提出研究發現。第四章結論,針對國內公共藝術整體提出建議,以及說明本論文在時空上的研究限制,並對於未來的後續研究,提出見解。 After the public art law was enacted in 1998, citizen participation in the process became necessary. This thesis focuses on the meaning of involvement of the general public in the process of choosing public art. Group discussions of executives were observed to gauge the difficulties and constrains in the process of public art. The author used the actual case of the" Campus Grazing" plan at Tung-Hai University as an example of public art to examine the role of citizen participation in the research, development and any attending problems in this case. Finally, suggestions were solicited from the executive groups to offer ideas to other such executives about citizen participation in future public art projects.