本論文探討了南韓的國家與企業的政商關係,並兼論南韓發展型國家的轉變,討論的時期從李承晚政權轉移到朴正熙政權(1948-1979)、民主化政權(1980-1996)、金大中政權(1997-2002)共三個時間序列。論文的主要問題意識環繞在「政商關係的發展與運作」、「政經結構變化下對政商關係、發展型國家所引發的影響」與「發展型國家的轉變」進行分析,而探討的主軸是以「金融體系」在這三個時期運作型態與內容作為一個樞紐來進行,同時以P.Evans的「鑲嵌自主性」(Embeddeed Autonomy)作為一個切入點,檢視在這三個時期中,南韓的國家與企業的互動型態,並檢視南韓發展型國家的動向。本論文在對南韓分析所得出的結論是,發展型國家透過掌握金融制高點與企業保持密切的連結,使得經濟成長得以實現,雖然隨著經濟起飛後的民主化以及經歷金融危機的爆發後,由國家掌舵進行經濟發展的這個情況可能改變,但是不必然意味著發展型國家的衰亡。 This dissertation concerned the relations between the state and chaebols of South Korea,and we argued that the transformation of developmental state in South Korea.The periods we concerned was divided to three periods,from the Rhee to Park Regime(1948-1979),then, the democratic regime(1980-1996),and Kim regime(1997-2002).The main research questions we analyzed was that "The modes of interaction of state-chaebol in South Korea","the impacts and fates to state-chaebol synergy and develomental state after democratization",and "the transformation of developmental state"what we considered about was by means of focusing on financial systems,and this dissertation appled the concept"embedded autonomy" to overlook the relations of state-chaebol in the three periods(and economical perfrormances) in South Korea. The conclusions we refered to was that,in South Korea,by controlling the financial tools, the developmental state maintained the intense linkages with chaebols and made the economic growth possible,even though this situation might change after the democratization and financial crisis,it didn't mean the demise of developmental state yet in South Korea .