本研究旨在探討現今台灣年輕人對現今就業環境的需求及所可能面臨的困境,以期能夠就台灣年輕人的意見進一步提出改善就業窘境的可能方案。而此研究進行主要採用質化與量化兩種方法,並將內容大致區分成三大主體分別論述原因、結果及辦法。此外,這份研究調查所得到的研究結果,提供政府和企業再制定更完善的政策與制度時作為參考,以利台灣未來就業環境的改善。 The research aims at investigating how young people view the work environment in Taiwan. Especially, we explored the current difficulties and expectations. Furthermore, based on the participants’ responses, several solutions are proposed. The current study was conducted using both of Qualitative and Quantitative methods. The context of the research is divided into three main bodies respectively explaining reasons, results and solutions. Importantly, hope the results of the investigation can be taken into account by the government and enterprises while they are ruling more comprehensive strategies and policies, which can improve employees’ strict working environment in Taiwan effectively.