本文主要目的在評估2003至2014年中華職業棒球大聯盟各隊球員績效與薪資之間的關聯性。研究方法採用最小平方法(Ordinary least squares, OLS)探討球員的表現是否受到薪資以及其他外在因素所影響。投手方面,防禦率愈低,表示績效愈好,結果顯示當投手在季初獲得較高月薪,則當季的防禦率較低。加入複數合約虛擬變數後,也會使投手防禦率較低。打者方面,當野手在季初獲得較高月薪,則當季的調整後攻擊指數(OPS+)較高。加入複數合約虛擬變數後,也會使OPS+升高。此外,出賽場次、球隊勝率與OPS+有正向關係,打者年紀越輕,表現較佳。守備方面,當投手和季初獲得較高的月薪,當季守備率並沒有特別的影響。不過,出賽場次愈多、固定守備位置的選手,守備率較佳。 This study examines the relation between compensation and performance in Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL), focusing on salary dispersion and player performance based on 2003-2014 CPBL data. We use Ordinary least squares (OLS) to examines the relation between compensation and performance. We find that greater wage disparity is significant negatively related to Earned Run Average (ERA) in pitcher. We also find that greater wage disparity is significant positively related to On-base Plus Slugging Adds (OPS Adds) in hitter. But there is no significant relationship between salary dispersion and defender performance . This study proves that compensations have encourage effect in CPBL.