本研究以個案研究方法,從商業生態系統觀點,探討冷鏈物流業者ZY公司動態能力之演變下的競爭優勢,並列命題三點如下:1. 本研究的個案公司ZY公司,在冷鏈物流產業商業生態系統的「次系統」中扮演「?基者」角色,而在企業創立萌芽期?基者最重要的策?為「創造價值」;在企業技術深耕成長期最重要的策?為「管?風險」;在未來發展期最重要的策?為「管?創新」。2. 本研究的個案公司ZY公司,為保有持續的競爭優勢,在企業創立萌芽期、技術深耕成長期、未來發展期,分別持續發展「動態能力」,來擴展、升級、保護獨特的競爭優勢。3. 動態能力演化是一種「借助」與「建構」並進的過程,?基者企業在商業生態系統中,要「借助」關鍵者的資源,「建構」自己的資源,持續發展「動態能力」,逐漸壯大自己,並?展生存空間,以求得長久的生存。 此篇論文對如何有效管理冷鏈物流做一個綜效性的歸納彙整,希望能對有志參與物流產業的業者做其企業決策的參考依據。 This study is researched by case study method and explored evolution of dynamic capabilities of the cold chain logistics industry form ZY company by the view of business ecosystem to know the competitive advantages and have three following propositions. 1. The case study──ZY company in “sub systems” of the business ecosystem of the cold chain industry plays “niche role”, and the most important strategy in the budding creation time is “create value”, in the technology growing time is “risk management”, and in the future development time is “management of innovation”.2. If ZY company wants to retain a sustainable competitive advantage in three times, it needs to keep advancing the “dynamic capabilities” to expand, upgrade and protect the unique competitive advantage.3. In the dynamic capabilities evolutionary process, niche players need to be aided by key player’s resources, and construct the resources itself to develop dynamic capability sustainably, strengthen itself gradually, and expand the living space to achieve long-term survival. This study did the synergic data collecting and compaction for managing cold chain logistics industry effectively, and hope this thesis can be a reference for entrepreneur who participate in this industry.