與行為決策有關的研究,已從規範性轉為描述性理論,驗證並接受了決策時的不理性行為,不再視其為偶而為之、可被忽略的例外。財務與投資學者也在「數學財務學」之外,興起「行為財務學」的新領域。 本論文協助投資人覺察、辨識並移除決策過程的捷思偏誤。首先藉著描述主要的認知偏誤理論及典型偏誤案例,提升人們對自己「頭殼長虫」的虫虫意識,此乃祛除心理之虫(debug)之必要條件。接著透過內省法的投資日誌(trading journals),以及廣泛訪談各類型投資個案,協助投資人辨識決策過程的干擾因素。 最後,建議藉助「理情療法」、 「成功典範」、 「投資教練」、 「心理諮商」等行為改變技巧,修正認知偏誤與不當的投資行為。 The research paradigm of decision making has shifted from normative to descriptive approach. Violations of rationality would no longer be viewed as random anomalies, and could be ignored; instead, heuristics and biases were proposed to explain the systematic occurrences of anomalies. Besides traditional mathematical finance, behavioral finance has emerged as a new discipline to explain investors’ behavior. By trading journal and interviewing investors, this research intends to help them be aware of their "bugs" of cognitive biases and heuristics which may hinder investing performance. Being aware of its existence is the first step of "debugging" cognitive biases. Finally, we propose that behavior therapy, such as REBT, observational learning, investment coaching, psychological counseling could be used as feasible ways to correct or eliminate these biases.