合作學習對八年級學生理化學習焦慮與學習成效的影響摘 要本研究主旨在探討分組合作學習對八年級學生理化的學習焦慮與學習成效的影響。自然科學是國中學習階段重要的一環,但許多學生聞理化色變。相關研究發現,由於理化的學習過程中牽涉數學的運算、符號的使用、實驗儀器與操作的技術、教材教法的選用、考試成績的壓力、家長期待與孩子自我期待等因素,致使學生們升上八年級之後都會擔心理化科的學習,進而產生強烈的焦慮感。分組合作學習是一個能夠增加學生創造性問題的解決能力與合作學習的技巧,也能夠兼顧認知、情意、技能的教學方法。研究發現,分組合作學習可以提升國中生自然科的學習動機、學習成效與自我效能,但仍未有研究探討分組合作學習是否能夠有效降低理化學習焦慮。本研究以準實驗研究法進行,以中部某私立高中國中部八年級兩個班85位學生為研究對象。兩個班級以隨機分配分為實驗組與對照組,並各接受八週(40小時)的實驗教學。八週的課程中,將包括四週的化學反應單元與四週的氧化還原單元。實驗組班級全程以分組合作學習進行教學;控制組班級全程以講述法進行教學。本研究以小組成就區分法(Student-Teams-Achievement Divisions; STAD)作為分組合作學習的方式,每組六人,並採異質性分組。分組合作學習的教學流程包括五步驟:(一)全班授課;(二)分組學習;(三)小考與進步分數;(四)小組(及個人)獎勵;與(五)團體歷程。每組中的每個學生皆有特殊的角色與任務需要完成,並需詳實記錄小組成員表現與登記成績,以期待彰顯學習成效。對照組以講述教學法進行,學生進行個別學習,並獨力完成小考與測驗單、與回答教師問題。本研究成果包括:(一)採用分組合作學習的學生,其理化學習焦慮顯著低於講述教學法學生。(二)採用分組合作學習的學生,其理化學習成效顯著高於講述教學法學生。(三)理化學習焦慮與理化學習成效呈現顯著負相關(四)採用分組合作學習的學生在心智圖繪製的豐富度、概念的深度與廣度、分類的正確性皆優於講述教學法的學生。 The Effects of Cooperative Learning on Eighth Graders' Learning Anxiety and Learning Performance of ScienceAbstractThis study aimed to investigate the effects of cooperative learning in reducing eighth graders’ learning anxiety of science and improving their learning performance. Junior high school science in Taiwan comprises fundamental physics and chemistry, both of which are important for junior high school students, but most of them encountered learning difficulties in class. Studies showed that learning science is related to mathematical calculation, symbolic representation, experiment procedures, learning materials, the pressure of tests, and the expectation of learning. All above issues could cause students’ anxiety toward learning science. Cooperative learning is effective in improving student creative problem solving and being able to teamwork with others. It is also a teaching strategy that enhances students domain knowledge and skills. According to empirical studies, cooperative learning improved students’ motivation, learning performance, and self-efficacy. However, rare has been done to investigate its effect in lowering the anxiety of learning science.A quasi-experiment was conducted. Two classes of 85 eighth-graders were involved in the study. One class was randomly assigned into experimental group and the other control group. Both groups received eight weeks (40 hours) of instruction. Students in the experimental groups learned with cooperative learning strategy, whereas the ones in the control group with lectures.The findings of the study included: (1) students learned with cooperative learning strategy demonstrated lower learning anxiety than their counterpart. (2) students learned with cooperative learning scored higher in the evaluation tests than their counterparts. (3) students received content knowledge from cooperative learning strategy presented a more complete knowledge structure. (4) Students learned with cooperative learning strategy drew better concept maps than their counterparts.