近年來,許多國家的勞動生產力上升幅度遠超過薪資成長的幅度,使得兩者之間的差距愈來愈大,進而造成經濟上的問題,因此本文主要探討勞動生產力與薪資之間的關係。利用DMP模型,又名搜尋匹配理論作為理論模型,並以台灣、美國和日本為例,研究時間為2001年1月至2014年12月,共14年的月資料,運用馬可夫轉換迴歸來檢定勞工的議價能力。實證結果發現:勞工的生產力下降,勞方的議價能力也跟著降低,此時的資方為單邊獨買的廠商,並不再以勞方的生產力高低來決定薪資,導致了生產力與薪資脫鉤的現象。 Recently, the growth of labor productivity rises more than wages in many countries, and the gap is getting deeper, which causes economic problem. Thus, the main idea of this study is to discuss the relationship between labor productivity and wages. Using DMP model, named as searching and matching theory, we applied Taiwan, the US, and Japan, the data from January 2001 to December 2014. The Markov Switching Regression is used to detect the bargaining power of workers. This study shows that if the labor productivity is declining, the model bargaining power will become lower. Because of monopsony, wages are not determined by productivity, which leads to wages lagged.