餐旅產業身為服務業之大宗,其中隱藏許多不同且多元的管理策略技巧,本研究透過計畫行為理論中的態度、主觀規範和知覺行為控制對於行為會產生的意圖,來探討關係認知、組織領導文化和社交技巧三構面對於餐旅產業中各階層管理人員所可能會產生的行為表現做一研究,並依據相關學者之觀點,提出這些構面的操作型定義來設計各構面的衡量問項,最後再配合SPSS統計軟體的使用,運用統計方法將結果呈現。 本研究針對餐旅產業中之主管做抽樣調查,共發放209份問卷,最終目的是希望能了解餐旅產業主管對於關係認知及其人際互動表現的想法及特徵。研究結果及建議歸納如下:(一) 無論關係之深淺,表層演出都是餐旅業主管習慣的表現策略(二) 增加深層演出,將有助於減緩餐旅業主管情緒倦怠情形(三) 健全的社交技巧,將有助於管理品質之提升 The hospitality industry's backbone is comprised of service. Competent hospitality managers need a diversity of skills to meet the expectations of the industry and create value for their customers and for the organization.To combine with the theory of planned behavior, this research use the construct of “attitude”, “social norms” and “ perceived behavior control” to influence the behavior of intension, to discuss the three dimensions of “guanxi”, “organizational leadership” and “social skills”. In order to meet our needs, we focus on the behavior that leaders might have and combine with previous researchers’ opinions to do our research. On the other hand, we provide an operational definition and indicator of the four dimensions for the design of questionnaire based on the previous research. The collected data analyzed by SPSS. In total, 209 valid questionnaires were collected from Taiwan hospitality manager using purposive sampling. The target of this research is to realize Chinese leaders opinions on guanxi and personal interaction. The results and suggestions are as follows:1. Both task-oriented and relationship-oriented hospitality managers tend to use surface acting to accomplish emotional labor.2. Deep acting had a beneficial effect on reducing job burnout and turnover intention. 3. Build hospitality leaders’ strong social skills can improve leadership skills.