Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討C-STEM (Creative, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) 西餐廚藝創意教學對高職餐飲科學生之學習成效的影響,以及教師在行動歷程中的專業成長情形和省思。本研究採用行動研究法,編擬一套適合高職西餐烹調課程的C-STEM西餐廚藝創意教學的整合性課程,進?為期十週每週四節課的教學課程,以嘉義市某私立高職餐飲科二?級一個班級39名學生為研究對象。 本研究工具以「廚藝創造力發展歷程量表」與「C-STEM西餐廚藝學習成效表」來探討學生的學習成效,並在教學最後一週進行創意西餐烹調成品的製作活動,透過「創意產品評量表」藉以瞭解學生創意表現的呈現方式。此外,研究中還輔以質化資?「教師教學日誌」、「學生實習手冊」與「教學學習單」,藉以瞭解學生對C-STEM西餐廚藝創意教學的反應與感受,其中「C-STEM西餐廚藝創意教學的整合性課程」藉由專家效?評定,經修訂後,再實施於教學中。最後研究者進行自我省思及專業成長的探討,並根據本研究結果,提出創造思考教學及相關研究之建議,以作為未?創造思考教學運用在餐飲課程上及相關研究之?考。 根據量化統計與質性資?分析獲得以下結論;實施C-STEM西餐廚藝創意教學,有助於高職生廚藝創造力發展歷程中的「豁朗」、「醞釀與轉換」、「準備」、「具象化」、「想法評估」、「發現想法」階段提升,而且學生對西餐廚藝的創意表現、閱讀的學習成效、和對理工數理的統整課程之反應也受到C-STEM西餐廚藝創意教學而提升和正面反應。因此學生的自信、成就感和學習興趣透過C-STEM西餐廚藝創意教學而提升,而研究者透過教學行動研究的歷程,從中獲得自我專業成長與收穫,並透過自我省思了解教學的優缺點,更能肯定自我,也對教學更有信心。關鍵字:C-STEM、課程統整、學習成效 This study aimed to investigate students’ learning efficiency of C-STEM (Creative, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) creative teaching, as well as the process of teachers' professional growth and reflection. This study adopted action research, arranging a project of C-STEM Western Culinary Creative Teaching suitable for participants during ten weeks (four times per week). Involved in this study are 39 senior students majoring in food and beverage from a private vocational high school in Chiayi.Important data of quantitative statistics are done primarily through theKitchen skill creativity development scale, student’s learning efficiencyOf C-STEM creative teaching scale and creativity product evaluation form while qualitative analyses are collected through the teaching diaries, handbook for practical Western Culinary and worksheet. Finally, the author carried out the self-reflection and professional growth exploration. It is hoped that the results of this study will shed light on the suggestion and implication of the C-STEM Western Culinary Creative Teaching on the Western Culinary courses and related research.The conclusions are as follows according to the quantification statistics and qualitative analysis to assist the subjects to upgrade the stages of ''open-minded","brewingandcconversion","preparation","embodiment","idea evaluation", and “discovery idea". Also assists the subjects to improve their creative performance and reading in the Western Culinary courses. The final reason is that C-STEM Western Culinary Creative Teaching contributes to more positive attitudes, better responses, self-confidence, sense of achievement, and learning interests from subjects. As well as through the process of self-reflection and professional growth, the authors are more confident by adopting C-STEM Western Culinary Creative Teaching.Key Words:C-STEM,Curriculum Integration,Learning Achievement |