在目前全球科技的進步中,對於聚合物廢棄物的處理已經成為環境保護、及資源再利用的最重要議題之一。目前相關的處理辦法大多為掩埋或者是焚化;也有業界利用鹼劑催化,回收聚合物廢棄物中的各個成分,但卻會造成中間產物二次汙染的生成,例如鹼性化合物。本研究最主要是探討利用裂解的方式,在添加酸劑或者鹼劑當作催化劑於常壓低溫的條件下裂解,以回收廢棄物中的各形式的環狀單體和添加於矽橡膠中的填充料,再由此比較鹼劑和酸劑回收單體的產量和後續衍生的二次汙染物。 Along with the advancing of modern technologies, processing of polymer wastes has become one of the most important environmental protection and resource recycling issues. Currently, for disposing polymer wastes, practitioners usually rely on landfill and incineration, while some use base-catalyst to recycle the compositions present in polymer wastes, causing secondary pollution resulting from reaction intermediate products, such as waste containing basic chemicals.This study uses acid and base as cracking catalysts for degrading waste silicone at room temperature and atmospheric pressure, then recovers the monomers and fillers from the waste silicones, and finally compares the yield of base-catalyzed and acid-catalyzed racking products, as well as the secondary pollution.