隨著經濟快速發展,從農業走向以工商業之重心,使得土地利用狀況改變而產生農工爭地之現象。許多中小企業將工廠設立於農地附近,伴隨而來的環境衝擊逐漸增加,其中非法廢水、固體廢棄物處理和農地之灌排水系統不明確成為土壤污染的主要來源。 因此需瞭解了解過去與近期台灣土壤重金屬污染狀況,近期經行政院環境保護署調查,台灣土壤重金屬污染場址以彰化縣與桃園市最為嚴重。如今土壤污染成為必須探討的環境污染問題,因此本研究以農地為主要受體初步分析重金屬在灌溉水源與農地空間關聯性,納入污染物空間傳輸觀念,建立空間系統動力模型模擬重金屬在水、土壤及農作物之多介質傳遞關係及濃度變化;另一方面,利用不確定性分析,評估多介質傳輸模式中參數對重金屬傳輸的影響如何。 研究結果顯示,模擬農地中鉻濃度之模擬值與實際值比較,模擬值偏低;另外「作物-土壤生物濃縮因子」、「穩定入滲率」與「灌溉廢水濃度」為影響重金屬鉻濃度傳輸的重要參數。 With the booming economic development, focusing turns from agriculture to business. The conflict between agriculture and business cause insufficient demands for land. There is a trend that factories located nearby agricultural area even creating serious environmental pollution. Factories have discharged wastewater, disposed solid waste, and indefinite farm drainage system. Under these reasons impel soil pollution toward the main source. Therefore, it is necessary to understand Taiwan soil situation with heavy metal contamination in the past and nowadays. Recently, the Environment Protection Department (EPA) investigated that the most serious pollutant soil with heavy metal were Changhua and Taoyuan.Undoubtedly, we should take highly attention on environmental problem caused by soil pollution. In this study, we use agricultural land as the main receptor to preliminary analysis the relevant on heavy metals in irrigation system and agricultural space. Adding pollutant transmission concept and establishing spatial systems dynamics to simulate the multi-media transport as well as concentration change of heavy metals in water, soil and plant. On the other hand, evaluating how the parameters affect the heavy metal transport in the model by uncertainty analysis. According to the results show that the simulated values of Cr concentration in farmland was lower than actual values. In addition, "Plant-soil bioconcentration factor", "The final infiltration capacity", and "Concentration of waste water" are important parameters affecting the transportation of Cr concentration.