現今社會各項問題層出不窮,除了政府機關介入處理外,民間亦衍生各種不同之非營利組織與社會企業來共同關注。本研究透過各項社會企業文獻分析社會企業商業模式,並以嘉雁小舖為案例,藉此探討社會企業之內外部環境分析與創新模式。本文案例分析中,採用價值主張、目標客群、社會利潤、經濟利潤等層面來檢視社會企業商業模式,並用SWOT分析、五力分析以及價值網分析來評核社會企業競爭力。研究結果發現,經營社會企業的關鍵要素為明確的社會價值主張、具備獲利的商業模式、關鍵合作夥伴、後勤管理機制,以及持續進步等。而本研究案例之內外部優勢、劣勢如下述:內部優勢為創辦理念、產品多元化、產品品質、積極與政府單位、公司合作、店面駐點人潮;內部劣勢為成本高、利潤低、無經濟規模、產品代表性低、進入市場時間短、品牌知名度低;外部機會有養生觀念風潮、食安意識高漲;外部威脅則為競爭者多、市占率低。面對劣勢與威脅,本研究案例也採行不同創新策略與行銷模式,包含打造共同品牌、開發多元商品,開展不同行銷駐點等,透過不同創新營運模式,增進整體社會和經濟利潤。 Nowadays, social problems are increasing. Besides government gets involve solving social issues, there are also many NPOs and social enterprises doing it. This study showed social enterprise business model and analyzed a case, Chia-Yen Store. In the paper, the author also explored strength, weakness, opportunity and threat of Chia-Yen Store. In addition, using five forces analysis and the value net to describe its competitiveness. The result shows that key element successful social enterprise contains exact goals of an organization, Profitable business model, pursuing the progress, etc. The strengths of the case are product diversity, good location, etc. The weaknesses of case are high cost, low profit, etc. The opportunities are the trend of health-conscious and food safety problem. The treats are low market share and low market share.