隨著經濟議題在國際之間大幅的提升,對外援助也成為國與國之間互動的重要手段。對外援助的理念是基於人道救援,經濟發展、消弭貧窮和人道主義的關懷上,是目前國際援助的主流。然而歷經戰後十餘年,援助國每年投入了數以億計美金的援助,但在促進經濟成長方面的紀錄則一直是模糊不清的。雖然增加經濟成長並非援助的唯一目的,但也讓許多研究對外援助的學者開始反思外援所帶來的實質效益,是否比較符合現實主義的觀點。現實主義式的援助理念則表現在於追求國家利益,主要反應在外交跟商業考慮上。外交考慮藉著展示善意或炫耀實力以達到行使影響力的企圖;商業考慮則表現在確保資源來源不虞中斷以及維持良好的經貿關係等。日本的外援行動雖然號稱人道行動、消除貧窮,或是一般理解的與第三世界國家親善,但作為主要的經濟外交手段是否另有更深層的動機。身為已開發國家,在對外援助的歷史裡佔有極大的比例,其對外援助政策歷年來又有著重大轉變的日本,則是本篇文章選擇日本政府開發援助政策作為個案來研究對外援助的主要因素,並對其做主要的探討。 As economic issue raising substantially in the field of international, foreign aid had become a principal interacting tool between states. The main stream concept of foreign aid is on the basis of rescue, development, pool reduce, and humanitarian concern. However after the WWII, hundreds of millions dollors’ aid had been provided each year but still can not promote the development of economy effectively. Although economic development was not the only objective, some scholars started to rethink of the real benefit of foreign aid, whether fitting in with the concept of realism or not.The concept of realism aid is to seek national interest. Such as showing the friendship or power to influence other one, making sure the supply of resources, and preserving the relation of economic and trade.Japan’s foreign aid policies professed that was basic on humanitarian concern, pool reduce, and friendship with the 3th world countries. To regard as main tool of economic diplomacy seemed to have deeper motives. Japan is one of the developed countries, long term of foreign aid history, and great change of foreign aid policies. That was the most reason why this thesis choosing Japan’s ODA to be the case studying.