隨著第三波精品咖啡文化方興未艾,台灣的自家烘焙精品咖啡館慢慢如雨後春筍般成立,咖啡館更成為一種新的文化現象與趨勢,並有著工作和住家之間「第三場域」的功能。本研究欲以場域依戀理論探討彙整出影響精品咖啡館場域依戀成因的關鍵構面。以台中市五家精品咖啡館消費者為抽樣對象,研究之結果顯示,場域依戀(placement attachment)適合解釋至精品咖啡館消費者行為(解釋變異量為70.6%,p<0.001) 。而三個構面中,以產品因素對於“場域依戀”具有最顯著解釋力(β 係數為 0.59) ,情感因素對於“場域依戀”亦具有顯著解釋力(β 係數為0.33)。本研究期能提供精品咖啡業者行銷策略建議,及未來籌設咖啡館設計行為者與後續相關議題研究之參考。 The coffee culture in Taiwan was developed into a mature stage that the consumers enjoy staying at coffee house as the third place. This study explored the influence of spatial arrangement of the specialty coffeehouses in Taichung. Environmental psychology was adapted to investigate its influence on place attachment to the designated coffee houses. The selected coffee houses in this study had its own social climate and environmental characteristics leading to different market segmentation of the coffee drinkers. The objectives of this study were to explore the relations among “social factors”, “physical factors”, “product factors” and “placement attachment” dimensions.
Results suggest that customers from these five coffee houses had different perception on these four dimensions. The participants from on-campus coffee house care less about these four dimensions. There were significant correlations among the dimensions. A further regression analysis indicated that “product factors” and “social factors” had significant causal relationships with the “placement attachment”, while “physical factors” had no significant impact on the “place attachment”. The explained variance of the regression was 70.6% indicating these three dimensions could well explained the phenomenon. Conclusions can provide practitioners solid suggestion on coffee house management regarding the balance among the product, social factors and the physical factors for stronger place attachment. Theoretical contributions, managerial implications, and limitations were addressed.