本研究的主要目的是檢視製藥公司信任、業務代表信任及產品信任在診所採購和販售保健食品過程中的影響模式。本研究更進一步檢測上述影響因子是互為替代的關係或文獻中較少討論的互補關係。經線性迴歸分析四個模型後,研究結果顯示,在診所採購保健食品時,製藥公司信任及業務代表信任均達顯著影響,但在診所銷售的過程中,業務代表信任顯著的高於製藥信任。產品信任在消費者回購產品時,會產生干擾因素,產品信任大於製藥公司信任和業務代表信任。本研究結果支持: 在診所採購和銷售保健食品的過程中,製藥公司信任和業務代表信任間有互補的關係,而非僅僅是替代關係。 The aim of the study is to examine the interactives among manufacturer trust, salesperson trust and product trust of the purchase and sales intentions in the clinic drugstores. Inaddition, this study also explores whether manufacturer trust and salesperson trust should be treated only as substitutes, or – a less popular approach in the literature – as complementary. After running four different models, the results show that manufacturer trust significantly increase the purchase intention relative to salesperson trust, that salesperson trust significantly increase the sales intention relative to manufacturer trust, and the product trust weaken the relationships among salesperson trust, purchase intention, and sales intention. However, when products are trusted by customers, product trusts champs manufacturer trust as well as salesperson trust. This findings agree with the stance that both manufacturer trust and salesperson trust were often treated as complementary to each other, not necessarily as substitutes.