Abstract: | 全球化的趨勢下商用英語的重要性與日遽增,遂造成TOEIC證照考取的需求成長,預計台灣在2006年TOEIC報考人數可達10萬人之多,在此龐大的商機下,市面上充斥著TOEIC的相關書籍、雜誌與補習班,然而,由於傳統學習教材上的限制,近年來已有不少的業者開始思考以數位學習的方式開發教材,本研究即在此背景下,以商品企劃七工具作為研究方法論的基礎,探索最適化的TOEIC數位學習教材。本研究採用P7中的訪談調查、意見調查、定位分析、創意發想、創意選擇與聯合分析法。在訪談調查中,根據受訪者意見設定五大項顧客需求的假設,並以此五項顧客需求作為意見調查問卷的設計基礎,結合後續的定位分析,獲得四項企劃關鍵因子,隨後創意發想與創意選擇法擷取了六項關鍵創意,做為聯合卡屬性與水準設定的依據,透過聯合分析產生十張聯合卡片,結合問卷的方式蒐集顧客對TOEIC數位學習教材產品偏好組合的資料。本研究發現透過聯合分析產生的結果,業者在開發上必須掌握五項關鍵屬性:「測驗後解題」、「疑問諮詢」、「口語練習」、「單字卡的提供」與「教材內容呈現」,至於,TOEIC數位學習教材水準的最佳組合為「網路虛擬教室由教師解題」、「透過網路有教師提供立即的解答諮詢」、「設計好的網路平台可與真人視訊交談」、「依照測驗程度,電腦挑選所需單字卡」與「動態的動畫和音樂教材」。 Under the trend of globalization, Commercial English becomes more and more important in Taiwan. The demands of TOEIC certificates are increasing. It is estimated that the number of examiees are more than one hundred thousand in 2006. In light of enormous business opportunities, there are lots of TOEIC books, magazines and cram schools in the market. Because of the limitation of traditional teaching materials, many companies are engaged in developing the e-learning teaching materials in recent years. Under this context, this research is based on Seven Tools for New Product Planning method to explore superior TOEIC e-learning teaching material. In this research, interviewing method, questionnaire investigation, factor analysis method, idea stimulating, idea selecting method and conjoint analysis are utilized. First, according to interviewees’ opinions, researcher establishes five hypotheses. The questionnaire is developed upon five hypotheses. The four key factors are established via factor analysis method. Utilizing idea stimulating and selecting method, six key ideas are discovered. The conjoint card’s attribute and level are developed upon six ideas. There are ten conjoint cards produced by conjoint analysis. We utilize the conjoint questionnaire to investigate customer’s perference.Based on the results of conjoint analysis, companies must master five key attributes in product development: answer to post-test, consultation, conversation practice, vocabulary card and apperance of the content. In addition, the best product mix of TOEIC teaching material is:teacher answer questions in the virtual classroom, offer immediate consultation through the Internet, talk on the Internet platform via videoconferencing, computer selects vocabulary cards in accordance with test degree, the content of the teaching material combines with animation and music. |