近年來,人口日益高齡化的影響,退休的規劃逐漸受到重視,漸進式退休屬於近期才出現的議題。當人類壽命增加,待在職場的時間也隨之拉長,而工作與生活更是息息相關,兩者是相互影響的。因此,除了做好漸進式退休的規劃,幫助退休後的個人生活適應良好,尋找人生目標之外,員工的成就感及幸福感亦不可輕忽,也是企業需考量的問題。本研究以初探的角度,討論漸進式退休推動的可行性與作法,除了將專業人才的知識移轉或傳承外,也透過實施漸進式退休的制度(工作相關因素、非工作相關因素),探討員工工作滿意與生活滿意的關聯性。 本研究共蒐集257份有效問卷,分析結果指出,漸進式退休作法中,與非工作相關因素比較,工作相關因素可能沒有達到預期的效果,而採取非工作相關漸進式退休作法對工作滿意與生活滿意皆有正向影響,以及工作滿意會正向影響生活滿意。另外,本研究也發現工作滿意在非工作相關漸進式退休作法與生活滿意之間扮演著中介角色。至於工作相關作法沒有達到預期的效果,推論原因或許為影響工時配置、進度安排,受限於工作性質不同,較難掌控進度等。研究結果可供企業於規劃實務時作為參酌,亦可對個人的職涯規劃有所啟發與幫助。 As a trend of the aging population, the retirement planning has become more and more important. However, gradual retirement is a new issue. As people live longer, they spend more time in the workplace; work and life are related and mutually influenced. In addition to making gradual retirement planning, helping individuals adapt to new life stage after retirement is crucial, and enterprises should also take employees' sense of achievement and happiness into consideration. This study is to discuss the relationship among employees’ job satisfaction, life satisfaction and gradual retirement implementation (job-related factors and non-job-related factors). A sample of 257 valid questionnaires was collected. The job-related factors were not identified as expectation. The non-job-related factors have positive effects on job satisfaction and life satisfaction, furthermore, job satisfaction is positively related to life satisfaction. At the same time, it’s also founded that job satisfaction has a mediation effect on the relationship between non-job-related factors and life satisfaction. However, the job-related factors were not identified as expectation. The possible reason lies in the difference of schedule arrangement in different industries. These findings could be used as a reference for enterprises to make retirement plan, and could also be helpful to personal career planning.