本文以「健康檢查」(health examination)為切入點,檢視1979-1993年間台灣環境抗爭中國家治理與抗爭模式的變化。健康檢查的特殊之處在於,戒嚴時期政府願意為公害事件主動提供健康檢查,解嚴後的政府一度採取「此例一開後患無窮」的立場,而在持續的抗爭治理過程中,健康檢查又成為政府公害處理原則與廠商睦鄰回饋項目之一,這個有趣的轉變,在既有環境抗爭的研究中未被詳細討論。 本文主要仰賴次級資料的分析,分成兩條軸線,第一條軸線是1979-1993年間台灣的經濟發展與健康檢查的發展,第二條軸線是1979-1993年間健康檢查在環境抗爭中的角色與使用變化。 本研究發現,台灣治理公害糾紛的態度主要是基於經濟優先發展,強調維持以工業區為發展模式之生產秩序的穩定,這個脈絡形塑了工業區附近居民與工業汙染的強制共存關係。當視角聚焦在確證與協商過程中,發現健康檢查具備多義性和多功能性,在不同的歷史脈絡下、對不同行動者有不同的意涵:健康檢查在環境抗爭中原被視為確證工具由民眾提出,卻在確證失效後更加普及於往後的環境抗爭中,而成為國家治理的有效策略之一,促使三方在睦鄰回饋上達成共識。同時,受害確證的難題在於疾病難以歸因,但是流行病學調查的出現,以風險暴露取代疾病歸因,使風險分配與權利受損連結起來,成為權益重新分配的正當理由。 This research takes health examination as an entrypoint to examine the changing patterns of Taiwan’s environmental governance and protest from 1979 to 1993. During the period of observation, the government responded environmental protests with providing protestant residents with health examination in the period of martial law, then refused to offer health examination for fear of dispute when martial law was lifted, while generously offered health examination in the process of ongoing democratization.. The role of health, however, in the governance of environmental protests has been negelected in existing literature. We conducted a secondary data to probes into the role of health examination from to aspects. the first aspect considers Taiwan's economic development and the development of health examination in society during 1979-1993. The second aspect analyized the changing roles and initiators of health examination in Taiwan’s environmental protests in the same period. The study finds that in postwar Taiwan’s environmental protests, developmentalism backed up by authoritarian state forced community residents to coesixt with industrial pollution, the government’s priorities were to ensure the production order based on the model of industrial park, on the one hand, and to rescure its political legitimacy, on the other. Health examination was a paternalistic measure of symbolic verification of victimization for compensation at this stage. In the wake of democratic transformation, paternalistic pattern of governance was gradually displaced by one that based on scientific evidence, and health examination conversely became one strategy for government and pollutant firms to neutralize conflicts. However, the emergence of epidemiological survey focusing upon risk exposure rather than attribution of disease relates distribution of risk to violation of rights in health, therefore justifies redistribution of interests in environmental protests.