深層的解剖電影《永恆的一天》,攤開全片64顆鏡頭,試圖尋找出隱藏在可見影像背後的主構思想,於此,我提問:如何使瞬間成為永恆?亦或是瞬間為何即永恆?在原電影的分析與衍生電影的形成之間,以五元素進行連結兩者以進行辯證。分析原電影之後繪製出主構思想地圖,透過無法清晰界定分野的主構思想地圖,行走於真實的城市中,用雙眼蒐集關乎人性的現象,試著從中得到關於瞬間即永恆的真實印證。 An in-depth analysis on the 64 shots of the film, Eternity and a Day, aims to probe the compostion of the images and the main concepts therein. Thus, some questions are summoned to appear—How can moments morph to eternality? Or why is a moment eternal?Furthermore, with the five elements extracted from Eternity And A Day comes an inspired short film. After the analysis, five elements are selected to draw the mind map of the feature film, and the routes are defined to illustrate the concepts of space. Bearing it in mind, I walk through a real city in search of phenomena of humanity and the proof that "the moment is eternal."