內生真菌是生存在植物寄主體內,不會造成明顯病徵的一種真菌,其生長期間有的會產生具有藥物活性的二次代謝物質,因此,植物內生真菌被認為是新藥開發的來源。由中研院取得的50株內生真菌經PDA培養到第七天,95%萃取物之抑菌測試後得到五株具有明顯抑制Bacillus cereus、Escherichia coli、Salmonella typhimurium、Staphylococcus aureus或Serratia liquefyacieus ,也可以抑制病原性真菌Aspergillus niger、Botrytis cinerea或Rhizopus oryzae。其中以038及039兩株抑菌效果較佳,經分子生物鑑定的結果,038為Coniothyrium sp.,039為Eupenicillium brefeldianum。使用M broth液態培養兩株真菌五天後用乙酸乙酯萃取的物質對人類肺癌細胞A549及肝癌細胞Huh7有毒殺的效果,其中以對Huh7的效果較強;對於正常新生大鼠心臟內皮細胞則具有較少的毒害性。分析038萃取物質,純化出單一化合物Compound 1,根據流式細胞儀的結果發現具有更強的細胞毒性且會誘導癌症細胞行細胞凋亡途徑,目前已進行初步化學結構式的分析。 Endophytic fungi are referred to those fungi that live within the host plants without causing noticeable symptoms of disease. Some of these fungi produce bioactive material with pharmaceutical efficacy. Actually, endophytic fungi have been considered as a source for new medicines. In this study, 50 endemic endophytic fungal strains were screened for the purpose to find new bioactive agents. Our results show that the cultures of strain #038 (Coniothyrium sp.) and strain #039 (Eupenicillium brefeldianum) contain antimicrobial substances with inhibitory effect on the proliferation of bacteria (containing Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, Staphylococcus aureus and Serratia liquefyacieus) and the fungi (including Aspergillus niger, Botrytis cinerea, Rhizopus oryzae). The ethyl acetate extracts of the cultures from #038 and #039 have showed cytotoxicity in A549 and Huh7 cancer cell lines. Data from flow cytometry indicate that the extracts might contain bioactive agent which can induce apoptotic cell death in these cancer cell lines. The bioactive agent has been isolated, and the structure of this bioactive agent has been analyzed preliminarily.