鑑於企業會藉由政治獻金捐款來建立政治連結,本研究透過台灣上市櫃公司在總統大選後的個別貸款合約,探討企業於總統大選捐贈之政治獻金是否影響企業對於公股銀行之貸款。本研究發現從事政治獻金捐款的公司可獲得較高之純公股銀行之貸款合約金額。再者,本研究亦進一步發現,當企業捐款給總統大選當選人時,亦較能夠獲得較高之公股銀行(純公股及泛公股)貸款合約金額。整體而言,本研究彰顯政治連結的效果會有助於企業形成有利的公股銀行貸款。 Given that firms make political campaign donations to establishing a firm's political connection, this study investigates the impact of firms’ presidential campaign donations on government-controlled bank loans by examining the individual bank loan contracts for listed firms in Taiwan during the post-presidential election periods. This study finds that firms engaging in political campaign donations would benefit from higher fully government-controlled bank loan amounts. In addition, this study finds that firms’ donations to the winner of the presidential elections are positively associated with both loan amounts.of fully government-controlled banks and partially government-controlled banks Taken together, the finding highlights that the effects of political connection help to shape an advantage contract for government-controlled bank loans.