臺灣兩千三百萬的人口當中,機車的數量卻高達一千四百萬輛,機車的使用密度位居亞洲第一。機車代步的好處除了方便、節省時間,還有體積小及易駕駛的特點,也因此國內的機車使用狀況才如此普及。而相對地,由於駕駛機車的門檻較低,因此駕駛常常容易忽略了騎車時的安全規範,機車也不像汽車般有著外殼保護著駕駛,當意外發生時,可能會造成無法預估的危險傷害。基於可能帶來的危險,目前有許多研究利用相關感測器於汽車行車期間偵測駕駛狀況並輔助駕駛,使駕駛者的危險性降至最低,然而目前較無應用於機車的駕駛行為偵測且提供即時的預防安全機制。因此,本研究透過智慧型行動裝置中內建感測器包含如三軸加速度感測器、光線感測器及GPS定位偵測等結合多種感測器找出機車駕駛行為的特徵值,並彙整成一智慧規則庫,並結合行動裝置的使用介面設計一套智慧型機車安全輔助APP,以提供駕駛者於駕駛機車的期間即時性的安全機制,以達到提升駕駛安全性的目的。 Of the twenty-three million of Taiwan's population, the number of scooter is as high as fourteen million, ranking first in Asia. The advantages of scooter are convenient, time saving, small and easy to drive, so the number of domestic scooter are so huge macroscopically. And relatively, the threshold of driving scooter is relatively low, so drivers often neglects the safety standards of riding. When an accident occurs, it may cause unforeseen danger. On the basis of the danger that traffic may bring, many studies used related sensors to detect danger conditions during driving a car and then assist drivers to minimize their risk. However, it is currently less applied to the detection of scooter and provides immediate preventive safety mechanism.Therefore, this study finds out the behavior features of driving a scooter through a combination of three axis accelerometer sensor, light sensor and GPS sensor in a smart mobile device. This study designs and implements an intelligent locomotive safety application that gathers information from above different sensors. And this application can use a smart rule base to detect some dangerous driving behaviors and provide a prompt safety mechanism for drivers during driving.