本研究目的為探討台灣餐飲業在制定標準作業流程(SOP)、授權給員工與其工作滿意度之間的連結,將該組織SOP的高低程度設為自變項,工作滿意度為依變項,探討授權是否會產生中介效果。本研究在經過專家學者的效度分析與檢驗之後,自行建構出測量組織SOP高低程度之量表,發放給有過餐飲業的第一線工作經驗、並且累積長達半年以上者。透過網路問卷總計收集333份有效問卷,建立起結構方程式後,根據分析結果得知工作授權與心理授權皆會對工作滿意度產生顯著正向影響,呼應先前學者研究結論。而授權會對組織SOP高低程度與員工工作滿意度之間產生中介效果,工作授權是完全中介效果,心理授權則是部分中介效果,其中是否有其他影響因素,待未來研究共同探討之。 This study investigates the relationship between Standard Operation Procedures (SOP), empowerment and job satisfaction among Taiwan restaurant employees. The research hypothesized that SOP positively affects employee job satisfaction with a mediating effect of empowerment. The subject was the first-line workers in Taiwanese restaurants who has more than six-month of experience. Through the online survey, this study collected a total of 333 valid questionnaires. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling, following by bootstrapping. the results confirm the mediating effect of both psychological empowerment and structural empowerment between SOP and job satisfaction. Several implications, limitations, and directions for future research were further discussed. Both research and managerial implications are provided and discussed.