本研究以臺中市社區共餐為主題,研究目的是了解銀髮族社區共餐發展阻礙與參與共餐的因素。研究方法採用質性研究的半結構是訪談法,訪談社區相關負責人與社區志工,合計 8 位。將訪談逐字稿編碼歸類後,列出共餐發展阻礙,並藉由研究參與者檢核建立內容信度,以內容分析法進行發展阻礙之問題分析,歸納為人力缺乏、經費不足、設備不足、場地難尋等構面。經訪談整理後,增加人力資源、改善政府資源分配及使用者付費原則、善用公私場地及多元志工等可行之策略,此研究結果以供未來中央及地方政府推動「銀髮族社區共餐」政策之參考,以幫助改善社區共餐阻礙的問題。 The aim of this study is to survey the development obstacles and reasons of congregate meal program, especially for senior citizen community. By adopting the semi-structure interview approach of qualitative research, totally, we interview 8 of the principals and volunteers in the community. The interview surveys are following summarized and categorized, in order to discover the difficulties of congregate meal program. The reliability of content is built and the reasons of obstacle are analyzed through our studies. The critical problems are pointed out which are the lack of human resources, funding, facilities and space. Through our studies, the situation are abled to boost by the engagement of human resource, the well allocation of government resources and the principle of user charge. Moreover, discover the better space allocation and offer higher diversity volunteers are also our proposed strategies. Overall, our research result could contribute to future policies about the congregate meal program for senior citizen in Taiwan to help to overcome the difficulties of the program.