全球化市場使得競爭日趨激烈,產業技術變化快速導致產品生命週期普遍縮短,為了能夠快速反應客戶需求,研發創新能力與產品開發速度將左右一個企業的生存與發展,因此,知識創新與知識累積將是生產力與成長力的決定因素。當個別廠商研發的能耐(Capability)不足以因應快速變遷的需求時,廠商之間的水平技術交流與知識移轉就愈顯重要,本研究即在探討參與知識交換下之廠商策略分析。本研究延伸Aydogan及P.Lyon (2004) 探討下之內隱知識模型,以生產單位成本抵減的方式,將內隱知識移轉的效用來量化測度,並於廠商間可採取欺騙策略的假設下,利用賽局理論來探討影響廠商策略選取的關鍵變數,接著分析產業中垂直整合廠商之優勢策略,最後探討本賽局是否存在著納許均衡。經過本文的經濟模型分析之後,得到以下結論:(一) 隨著內隱知識的互補性愈高,採取合作策略下的廠商生產單位成本愈低,使得均衡產出愈高、最終財價格愈低、廠商利潤愈高,顯示參與內隱知識交換的廠商,皆會因此而提升合作分享內隱知識的意願。(二) 在產業結構中已完成向上垂直整合的廠商,藉由整合後成本及中間財優勢,將可於內隱知識交換時提升產品創新及差異化研發上的競爭力;因而在互補性知識大於一定程度(大於0.4)下,其優勢策略為採取合作分享內隱知識的策略。 The competition of global market shortened the average product life cycle. In order to quickly respond customer needs, the R&D innovation ability and product introduction speed will determine the life of an enterprise. Therefore, knowledge innovation and knowledge accumulation will be the decision factor of productivity and growth. When the capability of individual industry couldn’t react to the fast changing demand, the horizontal technical change and knowledge transfer becomes more important. This research focuses on the industrial strategy analysis under knowledge exchange.This research extent the Tacit Knowledge Model of Aydogan and P.Lyon ( 2004), using decreasing production cost to quantify the utility of tacit knowledge transfer. Under cheating strategy among firms, using game theory to discuss the key factors of strategic decision. Analyze advantage vertical integration strategy among firms. Finally, discuss the Nash-equilibrium in this model.