2013年習近平提出「一帶一路」倡議,該倡議橫跨歐亞非三大洲,影響所及層面廣大。東協鄰近中國,且為「21世紀海上絲綢之路」倡議向外發展的第一站,故具有重要的戰略位置。本文使用新古典現實主義途經分別分析中國提出倡議之動機及其戰略布局,同時也對東協國家對此倡議之回應與策略分別做說明。透過新古典現實主義三個層次的探討,將國際體系與國內政治有效做結合,更能完整認識到東協國家對於該倡議之政治與經濟之策略與回應。 In 2013, Xi Jinping proposed the “One Belt One Road” (OBOR) initiative, which includes Europe, Asia and Africa. The ASEAN countries are close to China and the development of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road initiative must start from the Southeast Asia. Therefore, ASEAN occupies an important and strategic position for China. This dissertation employs the neoclassical realist approach to analyze the motives and strategic layout of China's proposed initiatives, and explains the responses and strategies of the ASEAN countries to this initiative as well. Through the interlinkage and interconnection among international system, domestic politics and individual ideas, this dissertation can fully explain how and why ASEAN countries adopt their strategies in response to China’s OBOR.