Abstract: | 本文描述個性看似外向卻又孤獨的自己如同空氣一般,無色無味、看不見也摸不著,但它確實存在於你我周遭,需要透過慢慢的感受與觀察,方能覺察微小之處和真實含義。在外向孤獨的性格驅使之下,要被別人瞭解內心真正的情緒可說是難上加難,除非對方會讀心術。然而矛盾的是,內心卻又渴望被瞭解,希望別人能從自己的細微行為舉止中,閱讀出內心的端倪。現今科技的發達,大多數訊息的傳遞從面對面的對談轉移到螢幕與螢幕的交流,這也造就了更多外向孤獨的人們,網路世界與真實世界相較,網路世界的生活會更顯得自在些。作品多以紅色系顏色呈現,紅色代表著熱情奔放,同時也釋放出緊張與不安的能量,兩者充滿矛盾的形容詞,卻是從同一顏色而來,而這些形容紅色的形容詞也都形容著我,是別的顏色不能取而代之的。自畫像是逼迫自己面對自我,畫中的自己更像是治療師,她療癒我、使我更加瞭解自己也接受自己。若是說,紅色是貫徹整個牛肉麵的湯頭、自畫像是牛肉麵中牛肉的角色,那畫中的紋樣就是牛肉麵旁的紅蘿蔔與白蘿蔔,紅蘿蔔與白蘿蔔雖然是配菜,但要是沒有他們,整碗牛肉麵會顯得黯然失色,紋樣在作品中就是扮演著輔助、襯托的角色,幫助畫中人物表達出內心的感情。 My thesis desdribes myself with an external image as an easy-going person, but inside I am lonely and see myself as air. Air is colourless and odourless, which cannot be seen nor touched. However, it fills our surroundings. It has to be carefully observed in order to notice the slightest presence and change of it. I seem to be friendly, but rather alone inside. It is hard for people to read my mind and real emotions. But deep in my heart, I want to be understood by others. Though my unnoticeable move and behavior, the ‘Air’ could become readable. The technology becomes more advanced nowadays, communication between people changes from face-to-face conversations to messages on monitors. People are friendly but alone. They are more comfortable on the internet than in the real world.My works present in different shades of red. Red always represents enthusiasm, but at the same time, it brings out anxiety and nervousness. Both positive and negative feelings come from the same colour. These adjectives describe the red colour and me, which cannotbe substituted by other colours. Drawing self-portrait is a way to force me to face myself. ‘I’, in the drawing, am a therapist to heal me, making me to understand and accept myself. If I compare my works to beef noodles, the red colour will be the soup containing all theingredients; ‘I’ in the drawing will be the beef; and the patterns will be the carrots. Although carrots are not the main ingredients of beef noodles, they are essential in brightening the whole dish. Patterns in my works take the supporting role, helping to present the emotions inside my heart. |