此畫作系列是以台灣生態中「入侵種」為議題的探討,遊走在虛與實的空間,藉以引發出當今所需正視的生態議題。透過個人的生活經驗及感受作為媒材創作,思考現實社會所創造的不安定感,透過煙霧轉化為現實情境,營造出充滿美好的夢幻泡影。人類為追求自以為是的利益,近而威脅到自己與生物的生存空間。人與生物交織的關係,展開一連串的奇幻異想世界,追尋生命中的桃花源,最後誰會是世界的主宰,衍生出對生態議題的關注。藉由此繪畫創作,讓自己在生活體驗上產生連結,創造出心靈對話的紀錄。轉換畫面中的色彩,表達出意識與情感。在這樣對話中,使我重新思考生活中暗藏的隱憂與失去的本質,對於創作內涵進而有所省思,期許未來邁向更好的創作旅程。此創作是以2016至2018間的作品作為主體論述,內文中將整理與探討個人在繪畫創作上的形式風格與探討議題。關鍵詞:入侵種、煙霧、奇幻、色彩 My painting is based on the "invasive species" in Taiwan's ecology. Which is live in real between virtual in order to make people thinking about our ecological problem that we must face today.Using personal life experience and feelings to make it, thinking about the sense of insecurity that created by the real society. The smog is the symbol of fake reality as same as bubble of beauty. In order to pursue self-righteous interests, human beings have recently threatened the living space of themselves and other living things, their fates were intertwined. The fates launch a series of fantasy world. Everything pursue their interest. In the end, who will be the last master, it can derive our core issue about ecological problems.Through the process of painting creation, let myself create a connection in daily life and expressed consciousness and emotion by color. Which created a record of my spiritual world by the color in the picture. In the creation of the paintings make me rethink the essence about losing and earning in my life. The experience will be change into nutrient which make me towards the next journey. To sum up, the creation is based on the works from 2016 to 2018. The text will organize and discuss my painting style and topic in the pictures.Key words: Invasive Species, Smog, Fantasy,Color,