伴隨網際網路的崛起,一股動力正帶動著e化服務的生活來臨,不論任何企業紛紛開始架設起網站。藉由網際網路的便利性,提供顧客合適的商品與服務降低生活的不方便性,同時提升整體服務品質。以競爭激烈的產業環境來說,強化本身競爭優勢外,預期顧客心理因素更是需要。本研究將以某大陸電子商務網站資料庫數據進行研究分析,觀察大型購物節之雙11促銷前中後期連續五個月數據的變動,同時區分女性與男性面膜、面膜與精油、國際品牌與中國品牌,三類共六項不同的數據進行分析。探討雙11購物節促銷效果特性與影響,並找出讓消費者對雙11購物節行為特性,讓企業能夠掌握對網站經營之方式與方法,帶來更多商機與高創造價值。 With the rise of internet comes the power which is driving the life of e-comercial.There are many companies starting to set up websites.Because of its convenience,Providing customers with the right goods,services which are reducing the inconvenience of life,and also improve overall service quality at the same time.In a highly competitive industrial environment,Although Strengthening its own competitive advantage is essential,psychological factors of Expected customer are even more needed.The survey analyzed the database from an e-comercial website in China.We conducted a correlation analysis with six facial masks, male masks, masks, essential oils, and international and non-international data.to explore the characteristics and influence of the promotion effect and also find out what makes consumers feel about the behavior in the Double 11 Shopping Festival.Enterprises can master the methods and methods of website management.to bring more business opportunities and create value.