本研究以效率的觀點探討在新南向政策前後,與新南向各國家雙邊互動下對於入境臺灣旅遊人次增加效率進行比較,並找出經貿合作及人才交流下影響各國入境人數的原因分別為何,又是影響何種目的入境臺灣人數最為顯著進行分析。研究範圍採用2013年至2018年新南向政策中開發中國家數據利用資料包絡分析各國的效率變動;以視窗分析觀察政策實行前後各國在效率值變化矩陣的位置變化並進行分析;最後利用敏感度分析探討經貿合作及人才交流的雙邊合作下影響各國入境人數的原因分別為何,又以何種目的入境臺灣人數提升最為顯著。實證結果發現在政策執行前後新加坡與各國比較下為相對有效率國家,每年入境臺灣人口約為40萬且具有高度穩定,而在新南向政策實行後,效率值持續上升至相對有效率國家有菲律賓、泰國及越南在與臺灣雙邊互動提升下帶動入境臺灣旅遊人次有較高的效率。另外各投入項對入境旅客人次影響的大小依序為來臺留學人數、臺灣進口貿易額、臺灣投資金額、臺灣出口貿易額;影響較顯著的入境目的則依各國而有所不同。 This research explores the efficiency of the increase in the number of inbound visitors from cooperation countries of new southbound policy, the research also wants to found out the reasons for increase the number of inbound visitors entering the country under the economic cooperation and talent exchange, at last the research also wants to find out which purpose of the inbound visitors entering Taiwan is most affected by the new southbound policy.The scope of the study uses the data from the developing countries of new southbound policy from 2013 to 2018 wants to analyze the efficiency changes of countries and using the window analysis to observe the changes in the position of the efficiency value change matrix before and after the implementation of the policy, finally using sensitivity analysis to find out the reasons for the increase the number of inbound visitors entering the country under economic cooperation and talent exchange, and for what purpose of the inbound visitors entering Taiwan is the most affected.The empirical results show that Singapore is a efficiently country before and after the implementation of the policy, and the annual number of inbound visitors entering Taiwan is about 400,000 with highly stable. After the implementation of the new southward policy, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam have higher efficiency in increase inbound visitors entering Taiwan under the bilateral interaction. In addition, number of students studying in Taiwan is the most influential of increase inbound visitors entering Taiwan, the second is import trade volume, the third is amount of investment in cooperation countries of new southbound policy , at last is export trade volume.