921災後重建至今,遷住規模第二的三叉坑部落於2005年12月完成家屋興建,終於結束6年的組合屋生活遷入新家屋回到部落生活,原住民因自然災害遷移的議題自1980年開始,持續的操練著部落與公部門的應變、重建機制。所以本研究藉著此次921地震災後重建,討論台中縣和平鄉三叉坑部落的遷住重建經驗,作為未來原住民遷住重建的參考與想像。研究方法採文獻回顧、檔案研究、深度訪談等,旨在建構其災後至完成遷住重建的整個歷程,包括公部門、民間協力團體、部落居民各主體間之互動、發揮之效能等。同時,以深度訪談重構原部落的生活樣態。而由文獻回顧建立重構之分析架構,檢視三叉坑部落遷住重建之經驗。 研究中發現,三叉坑部落重建著重於環境重建,對於生活及產業重建發展不大。在部落環境遷住重建中,原住民保留地所有權紊亂造成遷住用地取得困難、公部門內部缺乏協調機制導致土地變更編定期程延宕是致使部落遷住重建未能按時確實達成的主因。生活、產業重建工作超出駐地生活重建中心專業,使得部落發展走來蹣跚。而這些應變、安置、重建各階段工作中,呈現於實質環境、生活及產業的困境,以及於部落社會結構擾動的現象,最終可歸結於災後資源與權力的重新分配,及伴隨的以漢人社會運作機制公平、合理分配資源的「合法化」過程。 Passed through post-disaster reconstruction for 6 years, San-Cha-Keng Atayal aboriginal tribe has finished the immigration on December 2005. The discuss about immigrating aboriginal tribes to lower damage costs began in 1980,and has continued to test the emergency responses and recovery efforts of tribes and the governments. By looking into the reconstructed experiences in San-Cha-Keng can be the basis of immigrated reconstruction of aboriginal tribes in the future. By the research methods include file review and interviews to construct the processes of immigrated reconstruction which is involved in communication between the government, the third sector and aboriginal inhabitants. And set up the analyzed frame by file review to look into the experiences of immigration in San-Cha-Keng Atayal aboriginal tribe. In this research, the reconstruction in San-Cha-Keng put emphasis on environment rebuilding, but lacked in life and economy reconstruction. In environment rebuild process, the ownerships of aboriginal reservation are too complex to levy lands for new tribe, and lacking for communication between departments in the government are the main reasons that resulted to the delay of tribe immigrated. Moreover, life construction service center did not have enough professional ability to help life and economy reconstruction. In the phases of response, placement and reconstruction, the predicament of environment rebuilding, life and economy reconstruction all resulted form re-allotment of resources and power, and legalization that focus on just and fair allotment.