企業增建新廠一直都是解決產能不足問題之主要解決方案,而時程目標管理常是增建管理上優先議題,然而在施工階段常因大量多工種職人面對相同資訊得到的理解常不相同,而認知上的差異產生會衍生許多工項或工種衝突,目前業界採用圖形式進度管理方式,可快速、直觀表述難以文字說明之事項、讓專案管理者做全盤性的分析與決策或各併行工序之施工人員溝通協調的效率最佳化。本研究論文以高科技廠房興建專案,藉由相關文獻及廠務製程冷卻水系統新建個案進行施工階段應用圖形式進度管理之實務探討,經彙整分析後提出結論與建議,期能做為高科技廠興建管理人員或有意運用施工圖形式進度管理之人士實例研讀或後續更深入研究之貢獻。 Schedule management in construction phase plays a significant role as building up facilities is to meet up with the capacity expansion. This study aims to suggest and propose the importance and current situation in schedule control and management by graphic based approach. This study examines the proposed graphic-based schedule management in construction planning and control to provide effective communications and analysis during construction. Furthermore, the proposed graphic-based schedule method can provide an easy and clear view to schedule planners and management without much distraction among various information. The proposed graphic-based schedule management is applied to a case study in cooling water facility construction in Taiwan to verify its development and importance.