檢察官職司犯罪偵查,其如何知道犯罪嫌疑呢?刑事訴訟法第228條第1項規定:檢察官因告訴、告發、自首或其他情事知有犯罪嫌疑者,應即開始偵查。即檢察官係由告訴、告發、自首與其他情事等四個管道而知道犯罪嫌疑,是為偵查之緒端。在實務面大多數偵查案件是檢察官經由司法警察的告發而知有犯罪嫌疑,亦即司法警察得知犯罪嫌疑時先由司法警察調查後移送檢察官偵查,司法警察是最早接觸犯罪案件之執法人員。又檢察官得指揮、命令司法警察調查犯罪情形及證據。故在我國刑事訴訟法下,偵查機關指檢察官與司法警察,非偵查機關不得實施偵查,檢察官與司法警察分別為偵查主體與偵查輔助機關二者分工合作以完成偵查任務。按實務面檢察官偵查新收案件最大比率為司法警察於知有犯罪嫌疑後,主動調查並移送檢察官。司法警察是發現犯罪嫌疑時調查蒐集證據的第一線執法人員,司法警察制度重要性不言而喻。偵查體制中司法警察的任務係為掌握人犯與蒐集犯罪證據,司法警察種類可分為普通司法警察(具警察與憲兵身分者)和特別司法警察(依法令關於特定事項得行司法警察之職權者),然司法警察並非組織法上之職稱,司法警察角色形成的原因大多數是因行政警察執行職務發現犯罪嫌疑而來,即當行政警察執法中如發現涉有犯罪嫌疑應即轉換為司法警察身分開始調查犯罪情形及蒐集證據以釐清事實並移送檢察官。由於司法警察並非組織法上職稱而是兼任,是由行政警察兼任司法警察身分,故司法警察制度最重要部分就是身分轉換及兼任性。何時轉換及由誰兼任是司法警察重要議題。又調度司法警察條例規定特別司法警察所得偵查之犯罪以與其所屬機關所掌管事項有關之犯罪為限,其能調查犯罪之範圍有所限制。然而我國現制僅四個機關兼任特別司法警察依法得行使司法警察職權,許多行政機關執行職務時發現犯罪嫌疑卻不得行使司法警察職權,此為本文所要討論主題。海關把守國家大門負責邊境管制,執行職務經常會發現如走私毒品等犯罪嫌疑,本應行政轉換刑事調查也就是由行政警察轉換為特別司法警察身分開始主動調查走私犯罪情形,惟現行認為海關不具司法警察身分不得調查犯罪情形而須將案件移轉其他司法警察機關偵辦。本文以為海關執法發現犯罪嫌疑時轉換為特別司法警察符合經濟效率與專業性,研究結論建議應修法賦予海關特別司法警察身分。 Prosecutors are responsible for criminal investigation. However, how do they know who are suspects? According to Article 228, Criminal Procedure Code, a prosecutor shall investigate immediately when he is aware of law-offending cases through complaint, reporting, surrender of the suspect and other sources. Practically, a criminal case usually gets started with a judicial police arrest report. The prosecutor then decides what criminal charges to file. The judicial police and the prosecutors work cohesively together in criminal proceedings.In practice, the job of judicial police is to conduct investigation and collect sources of evidence. The judicial police are the first law enforcement officers in criminal proceedings. There are two types of judicial police. One is the common judicial police (police and military police) and the other type is the special judicial police (legal powers for judicial police on specific matters). Since the judicial police are converted from the administrative police to carry out comprehensive investigation in criminal proceedings, how to execute jobs in parallel is an important issue. In Taiwan, the special judicial police officers have limited right to handle criminal cases in their own jurisdiction. Thus, the scope for investigating crimes has its limitations.Customs officers are responsible for border control of country and helping to prevent the importation of illegal items. Typical responsibilities of the job include detecting and prosecuting drug smugglers. However, customs officers are currently lack of jurisdiction and need to transfer crime cases to other judicial police. The study aims to discuss the necessity of jurisdiction for customs officers and suggests that the customs should be treated as specific judicial police in smuggling investigations. The thesis offers recommendations for the future developments of the Taiwan Customs Administration.