本研究主要探究的問題包括勞工發生職災後,對個人的衝擊有哪些?職災勞工與雇主的互動經驗,如何影響其重返職場之抉擇與機會?家庭關係與網絡互動,對職災勞工重返職場所形成哪些關鍵阻力與助力。綜合以上的研究問題並透過對文獻資料的整理與蒐集,採取質性研究方法,進行深度訪談八名職災勞工,藉由職災勞工的主觀經驗與陳述,試圖理解他們一路走來所面臨的家庭變動及困境,並試圖探索職災勞工重返職場所應掌握的關鍵議題、核心服務重點,提供相關建議作為我國未來規劃協助職災勞工重返職場的之相關政策與實務服務之參考。 研究結果發現職災這場意外,帶給職災勞工身體損傷與心理疾病,在與社會互動過程出現被異化的經驗,在醫療休養間無奈成為依賴者,逐漸影響職災勞工個人的自我意象與自我認同。職災後勞動能力不符合雇主期待,甚至對熟悉的機台或工作場域產生恐懼感、還得面對工作能力下降的打擊、與雇主互動產生不安,脆弱的勞動關係與弱勢的勞權,導致勞資難以抗衡之窘境。然而,即便職災的發生為家庭帶來照顧與經濟的壓力,甚至使親密關係或同儕關係產生變化,但是,從研究中亦發現到家庭與社區網絡復原力的生成,包括個人的正向信念、父母的愛、子女的依靠、社區鄰里的支持以及職災個管員的協助,都是幫助職災勞工往前走的重要力量。 The focus of this research is to explore the impacts to individual labors after occupational injuries and how does the interactions between labors and employers affect the employees’ choices and chances in returning career path? What major pros and cons do the family relationship and cyber interaction cause to the labors’ returning after occupational injuries? Based on the above-mentioned issues and by means of collecting and organizing of the document data, we adopted qualitative research and data analysis and proceeded in-depth interviews with eight individuals who had been suffering from occupational injuries. We tried to understand and empathize with the dilemmas and variations that they’ve encountered in their families as well as to explore the key issues and the core service points that these labors need to be aware of when returning to workplace. The purpose of this research is to provide relevant references and suggestions for our future plan of assisting these labors resuming work. The results of the research shows that the incident of the occupational injury not only causes the labors’ physical injuries but also mental illness. Their self-image and self-identity would be affected gradually due to the facts that they have reluctantly become a replier during medical recovery and their alienation experience when interacting with society. Their working ability fails employer’s expectation after occupational injury, the fear that they have towards the machines and working environment they used to be familiar with, the depression of reduced working ability as well as the unease interaction with their employers, and the fragile of employment relationship and the underprivileged labors all result in the struggling situations between the employees and employers. Even though the happening of occupation injuries would bring along the economical pressure and the stress of looking after another person inside of the family, and even cause impacts on close relations between couples or peers. We discover from the research that family and community’s network connection with the labors has a positive effect on the workers; these include the individual’s positive faith, parents’ love, their children’s reliance, their neighbors’ support and the assistance from the officials of occupational injury. These are all important motivations that drive these occupation injury labors moving forward.