對於路網形態,規劃設計者的選擇往往出於個人的經驗偏好或來自於人文因素和地理因素的考量。道路不僅是城市中人們移動的載體,還是影響城市空間經濟活動的重要元素,而經濟活動又滾動人潮。本研究運用空間型構作(Space Syntax)爲理論基礎,並通過空間型構數位分析軟體Depthmap對人不同的移動模式與都市道路空間的關係做為主要研究對象進行分析與探討。通過對街道空間不同的劃分方式(動線繪製方法)、分析範圍以及土地使用種類不同等因素的考量,預測實際汽車、機車和行人道路流量,逐步建立一套適合屬於臺灣都市空間背景下的路網空間分析模式。研究發現,不同的移動模式,受到動線繪製方法、分析範圍、土地使用和道路時段的影響。對空間道路預測模式梳理,有效反映台灣社會生活背景下汽車、機車和人潮流量與道路空間相關關係。可供城市規劃設計者與研究者作為道路流量分析及預測的方法之一。 Planners usually use experience and preference or considerations of human and geographical factors to design road networks. And the road is not only for people to move, but also affects the urban economy.This study employs Space syntax method and use depthmap software as tool for analysis about people how to understand the spaces and move in the urban space . To discusses servel factors, such as spatial configuration of street networks has different types of models, edge effect and land-use influence that affect an area’s traffic flow. In this way, To build an effective analytical tool on traffic flow patterns based on local characteristics of urban contexts.It is found that people differ in their understanding of road space according to different travel modes, while the land-use also changes the behavior and mobility of travelers. On the basic of test validate, the results show that the newly established analytical model has higher power to explain and represent the real situation of our local vehicle movement patterns. Finally, the methods and models are used as planning tools to guide planners in justifying their planning decisions with data-based evidence.