隨著氣候條件的日益極端,東港漁港面臨著洪澇災害的挑戰。更糟的是,到2050年,一些土地將被常年淹沒。面對這一全球性問題,人們正以不同的方式做出反應,包括漂浮建築、提升建築基礎高度、加高防洪閘等等。作為一個老城區,東港承載著人們對生活的回憶。大規模工程的實施難度很大,而被動疏散也將是最後的選擇。東港在目前條件下無法應對未來的洪澇災害。設計通過對集裝箱的再利用,顛覆傳統的思考和應對洪水的方式,尋求積極有效的應對洪水方案。設計強調即使在洪水期間,保持城市公共空間的活力也是必要的。我很希望能夠看到人們可以與洪水共存,用一種巧妙又合理地方式在這裡繼續生活下去,這也會是東港非凡魅力所在。 As climate conditions become more and more extreme, Donggang fishing port is facing the challenge of flooding. What’s worse, some lands would be flooded daily in 2050. Faced with this global issue, people are responding in different ways, including floating buildings, elevating buildings, raising floodgates, and so on.As an old town, Donggang loaded people to the memory of life. Large-scale construction is difficult to implement and passive evacuation is the last choice. Donggang is unable to cope with future flood disasters under the current conditions.The design wants to seek ways to cope with flood actively through the reuse of cargo containers which wants to subvert the traditional way of thinking and responding to flood. It’s necessary to keep the urban public space alive even during flooding. At the same time, people’s activities can continue in another appropriate and interesting way. I am glad to see that people can coexist with flood, which can show the extraordinary charm of Donggang.