自《申根公約》實行以來,歐盟已逐步取消內部邊境管制,並開放四大流通自由,大幅提升了單一市場的內部整合。然而受到敘利亞內戰的影響,一夕之間難以估計的大量庇護尋求者湧入歐盟邊境,並在2015年達到高峰,引發難民潮危機,也對歐盟自1999年坦佩雷高峰會議後致力發展的共同庇護體系帶來嚴峻挑戰。其中特別是共同庇護體系既存的責任分擔不均問題,在難民潮危機期間尤其顯著,並導致會員國彼此之間,以及會員國與歐盟之間陷入嚴重分歧,不僅破壞歐盟長期以來對於共同合作、團結一致核心理念之共識,從而影響歐盟整合之持續性發展。有鑑於此,本文透過檢視歐盟共同庇護體系之制度變遷,分析該體系責任分擔不均的情況,以及造成此情況之原因,並探討該體系的責任分擔不均對於歐洲整合之影響。希冀藉由分析歐盟如何與會員國於共同庇護體系下的責任分擔困境,來為國際上其他區域整合組織之整合深化困境,以及全球治理的責任分配不均之爭議,提供日後可延伸之發展方向。 The Schengen Agreement led to the creation of the Schengen area, which allowed members to abolish internal border control and guaranteed free movement of people, goods, capital and services. In order to found an area of freedom, security and justice, a common asylum system is indispensable. However, due to the Syrian civil war, a large number of asylum-seeker flowed into the EU and then caused serious crisis to the EU and its members. The crisis challenged the existing Common European Asylum System, which developed after the 1999 Tampere Summit. The problem of uneven Burden-Sharing behind the Common European Asylum System was unveiled during the crisis and then caused serious disputes between the EU and member states. As a result, it undermined the cooperation between member states and the solidarity of the EU, and then threaten the long-term development of the European integration.Accordingly, this thesis explores the institutional development of the Common European Asylum System and the burden-sharing dilemma behind the System. This thesis analysed the factors resulted to the dilemma and evaluated its impact on the EU and further integration. By discussing the dilemma of uneven burden-sharing behind the Common European Asylum System, this thesis aims to offer insight on how to clarify and resolve the problem of uneven burden-sharing so as to create space to further cooperation for the entire international society.