Abstract: | 本研究以五位從事活化歷史方案帶領者為研究對象,探討帶領者在帶領高齡者故事班及進入學校時應具的知能及角色。為達研究目的,本研究經由相關文獻探討後,採用質性研究的現象學訪談,以半結構式的訪談大綱進行五位的專業帶領者訪談及資料收集與分析。研究結果發現,代間學習方案帶領者應具備知能與角色是相互連動與連結的,帶領者應具知能包含知識、技能及態度三個層面。知識層面包括瞭解高齡者生、心理特質知識及瞭解方案目標知識等二項。技能層面包含教學技能及穩定軍心的技能,而教學技能有媒材及3C運用的能力、戲劇肢體運用的能力、課程設計的能力及澄清世代語言的能力等四項;穩定軍心的技能有潛能開發能力、營造良好學習的氛圍能力、統整生命故事的能力、問題協調的能力、有同理傷痛及轉介的能力、高EQ的人際溝通及資源連結的能力等六項技能。態度的層面有喜歡與人相處有熱情的態度、自我洞察的態度、有願意助人的態度及有終身學習的態度等四項態度。而代間學習方案帶領者應具備角色,初期扮演的角色是正向目標導向者、互動及討論的引導者﹔中期扮演的角色有成為95°加滿油的鼓勵者、世代語言的澄清者、問題處理的協調者及課程諮詢指導者﹔後期扮演的角色有激發高齡者成為主角的跟隨者及瑣碎事務終結者等。根據研究結果,本研究者分別對活化歷史方案帶領者、相關單位、及未來研究者提出數項建議,期許未來對於推動代間教育有所貢獻。 This study uses five practitioners of the Active History Program to study the images and the competences and role of the seekers in the story classes of the students and the competences and role of those who enter the school. To reach the research goal, this study has been conducted using the present-day learning of the study and the semi-literal type of large-scale analysis after finishing into verbatim texts, and dividing them into intentional subjects. Research has been found that the role of the intergenerational program is mutually informed.The needed competences includes knowledge, skill, and attitude aspects. Knowledge aspect includes understanding of the high-level students, psychological special competences, and understanding of the program vision of the two skill aspects includes teaching abilities and mindset stabling skills, while teaching abilities are with the ability to match and 3C, ability to use limbs, ability to use the course, and theability to clarify the words of the generation. The skills of mindset stabling include the ability to develop, the ability to create a good learning atmosphere, the ability to complete life stories, the ability to ask questions, the ability to have similar pain and communication, the ability to communicate with high EQ people, and the ability to connect with sources. The attitude aspect has the attitude of love for people, the attitude of self-awareness, the attitude of willingness to help others, and the attitude of physical learning. The leaders of intergenerational learning program should have the initial role at the beginning with positive target-oriented and interaction and discussion guiding; the mid-term role becomes the encourager, the clarifier of the generation language, group mediator and counselor in the course; the end period role then becomes the follower who motivates seniors to be protagonists and trivial affairs terminators. Based on the results, the researchers made several suggestions forthe leaders of the intergenerational program, relevant units, and future researchers. In the future I wish I could contribute to the promotion of intergenerational education. |