本研究旨在瞭解現行國中生課室裡常見偏差行為表現以及行為之形成原因?並歸納國中授課教師對偏差行為學生輔導經驗之要領與有效處理策略。本研究之研究方法採用深度訪談的方式,邀請五位超過十五年教學資歷,頗具教育熱忱的公立國民中學教師參與研究訪談,以Hirschi的社會控制理論(Social Control Theory)理論中社會連結(social bonds)為基礎,分別為依附 (Attachment)、承諾(Commitment)、參與(involvement) 、以及信念(belief),作為主要訪談大綱與分析架構,進行統合性分析,最後依據研究結果進行結論與建議。根據研究分析資料的結果,本研究有以下結論:一、友善提醒,引導專注學習二、上課放空發呆,亟需課業提攜三、拒絕學習,多管齊下增其所「能」四、講話、走動,需提升課室常規信念五、上課吵鬧,要開啟學生良善且自重而人重之信念六、「衝」、「挑釁」,教師著力理性覺知改變偏差行為關鍵詞:偏差行為學生、輔導、學習行為 This study aims to explore middle school students’ deviation behavior and causes in the classroom. The other one purpose of this study is to summarize the guidance process and experience from five junior high school teachers. The in-depth interview is the main research method of this study. The interview outline and the analytical framework in this study were based on the four social bonds in Hirschi’s social control theory, including “attachment”, “commitment”, “involvement”, and “belief”; a meta-analysis was conducted accordingly. Conclusions and suggestions were provided on the basis of research findings.The conclusions of the study are as follows: 1. Kindly reminder,to guide one’s attention on learning. 2. Be just staring into space,and need help immediately in the classroom. 3. When students refuse learning, to to keep one's spirits up along many lines along many lines. 4. When students talk or walk in the classroom, to keep one's spirits up on belief of behaviors.5. When students make noises in class, to inspire students’ kindness by the belief of dignity. 6. When students are impatient or aggressive in class, the teacher can use the rational to change their behaviors.keywords: deviant behavior students, guidance process, learning behavior