本研究旨在探究卓越校長之偏鄉國中領導與創新經營。透過質性研究,訪談五位公立偏鄉國中的卓越校長,了解卓越校長之領導與創新經營的經驗,歸納分析卓越校長之領導信念、領導行為與創新經營之策略。本研究結果如下:一、以人為本為卓越校長之偏鄉國中領導的信念,為每一個人幸福努力。二、以身做則為卓越校長之偏鄉國中領導行為,進行參與式的領導,形塑正向的循環。三、卓越校長之偏鄉國中的創新經營是能針對偏鄉國中的弱勢進行翻轉,從在地為養分,結合社區校 外資源,找到學校亮點,展現偏鄉國中大志氣。 最後,依據研究結果,對偏鄉國中校長、教育行政單位與未來研究提出相關建議。 The purpose of this research aimed to explore junior high school leadership and innovation management of excellent principals in remote districts. By interviewing five excellent principals, the qualitative research analyzed their leadership beliefs, leadership behaviors, and the strategies of innovation management. The major findings are as follows. First, the leadership belief of excellent principals in remote districts is humanistic approach, and they worked hard for everyone's happiness. Second, the leadership behavior of excellent principals in remote districts is to practice what you preach. They carry out participative leadership and shape the positive cycle. Third, the innovation management of excellent principals in remote districts is to analyze the contexts of schools and communities, use the resources well, find the spotlights of schools, and show the ambition of schools. Based on the results of the research, some suggestions are provided for the government, schools, principals, and future study.